Tuesday, 15 September 2009

I'm gonna eat you little fishy

Fish Parcels
Originally uploaded by ghost_83_uk
So tonight was the first night of our new challenge and we started with a recipe for Fish Parcels with Fresh Herbs from the book Everyday Fish and Seafood.

Ok, so as recipes go this was pretty basic - Fish on baking paper topped with lemon slices, onion slices and a few herbs, all wrapped up in foil and baked for 15 minutes - but we have to ease ourselves into this gently and it is a school night. I finished work at 6:30 so it was nice to have something quick to prepare.

We served this with diced potato with italian seasoning and some mange tout.

I really enjoyed this one, my Husband thought it needed more seasoning, but still enjoyed it. Our kitten thought it was amazing... or at least I have to assume he did based on the fact that he kept trying to steal a bit!

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